Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb. We invite researchers and academics to send their research article manuscripts for publication in our journal Journal Oftalmologi.
Read more about CALL FOR PAPER OFTALMOLOGIOftalmologi: Jurnal Kesehatan Mata Indonesia is a scientific journal published by Cicendo Eye Hospital and accepts articles written in both English and Indonesian expected becoming a media conveying scientific inventions and innovations in medical or health allied fields toward practitioners and academicians. Normally published in every four months (March, August ,December) using a peer review system for article selection. Papers dealing with results of in the form of case report, systematic review, and clinical research related to visual science for ophthalmologists, eye nurses and medical support in other fields of Ophthalmology. Welcome to the online submission and editorial system of the Oftalmologi: Jurnal Kesehatan Mata Indonesia. To submit an article, go to Online Submissions. New authors (first time in this journal) intending to submit articles for publication may contact the editor for free registration. If authors have any difficulty using the online submission system, please kindly contact the editor via this email:
Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb. We invite researchers and academics to send their research article manuscripts for publication in our journal Journal Oftalmologi.
Read More Read more about CALL FOR PAPER OFTALMOLOGIISSN: 2723-6935 (Print)
ISSN: 2541-4283 (Online)
DOI: 10.11594/ojkmi
Distribution : Open Access
Frequency: Published in April, August, and December.
Published by: Cicendo Eye Hospital
Oftalmologi: Jurnal Kesehatan Mata Indonesia,
Gedung C Lantai 3 Jl. Cicendo No.4, Babakan Ciamis, Kec. Sumur Bandung, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40117, Indonesia.